This project is a kinetic sculpture reacting to relative humidity and comprises sonic elements from 2015, which were used to create a soundscape and performance (ca.20min) in 2021.
It is an evolution from the project ‘Well-Tempered Hygrometer Part I & II’ (details on sculpture and sound). Together with Oliver Schmid we created a soundscape and a performance format for the gallery show. The recordings of these two compositions can be found on a special vinyl edition. (see photos)
Tagesspiegel (Berlin newspaper)
collaboration with Oliver Schmid (music, concept & performance)
soloshow at gallery drj art projects (Berlin)
wood, aluminium, lead, horse hair (sculpture)
violin bow, bass drum pedal, vibraphone mallets, african bean shaker, reed sticks (performance)
7m x 5m x 3m (installation throughout two spaces)
film by Sabrina Knierim
lights: Jonas Hörning
film music: Oliver Schmid
vinyl edition 10/10
composition: Oliver Schmid
artwork (LP box): Anna Kubelík
mastering: Oliver Schmid
text & layout: Matthias Seidel
recording: Oliver Schmid (A-side), Sabrina Knierim (B-side)
red transparent vinyl cut:
spacial thanks to Christiane Bail & Charlotte Streck
© 2021
Anna Kubelík // Performative Objects & Space
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Anna Kubelík // Performative Objects & Space
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